Sunday, June 17, 2007

Too busy to be gay?

How is it possible that someone who works full-time for the LGBT cause can forget her sexual orientation, and more importantly the significant implications of being gay, a gay parent, a gay activist, etc.

I realized today in my place of worship that I have been so busy focused on getting my daughter into the "right" school, getting her potty trained, and trying to grow the MEGA Family Project I have forgotten about some important issues facing us as LGBT people. Not exactly what you want to hear in your gay leadership folks.

But, I insist on being honest if I am to do this work.

Just a few minutes ago I was glancing at one of my gay news sources, only looking at the headlines, and I realized they were all about violent and awful things happening to LGBT people. A gay person beat up by a police officer. A murder charge in a Brooklyn gay killing, and on and on.

It's so easy to forget the scary bad stuff when you have the privilege of living in a neighborhood that appears on the surface to be very supportive of our family (despite our differences in the voting booth).

Today, our place of worship focused on both Pride Sunday and Father's Day. A lot to get into one service, which is partially to explain the length of the service (which I actually thoroughly enjoyed because it was such a wonderful service).

Our guest minister today, a lay minister by the name of Duncan Teague, just has a way to bring people to the right place, a place of integrity, a place of hope. Though he shared many of his difficulties growing up gay in an African American household, he also shared many of his triumphs along his journey. It was nice to hear.

When he started his service reflecting on the murder of Harvey Milk, it became crystal clear it is easy to forget those heroes that have gone before us and the tragedies we have faced as a community. They say we Americans have short memories...

Personally, I have become so involved in helping people create families, and working with all the beautiful children and parents in our community, I have forgotten about the hostility, danger, and pain we experience. I have been blessed with the beauty within our community.

I almost didn't make it to my place of worship today because I had planned to spend the next 3 days completely at home with my daughter to work on the dreaded potty training (you try controlling someone else's bodily functions if you want a real challenge!). I am so glad I made it to hear our Pride service, to here the beautiful and funny sermon Mr. Teague so generously shared. There are so many days when it feels as though I am just exactly where I need to be...

The wake up call was heard, and I am glad to be awaken.

On a happier note: Happy Father's Day to All Our Wonderful Dads!

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